
Invitation to a Modern Life                with                  Japanese Traditional Lamp                                 日本の伝統的な明かりのある生活

Official Certification of Craftman
 a special skill for cutting the traditional stencil for YUZEN-ZOME dying

The Textile Dying Method for Yuzen-Zome
Cutting Skill of Traditional Stencil with Small Knife 


Mr. Noriaki Wada is an industrial artist received an honor of certification, in Autumn 2010, to be a Skillful Workman in Kyoto (Kyo-no-Meiko) of Yuzen-Dying from the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture.For more five decades and half, Mr. Wada has been involved in the textile dying method of Yuzen-Zome with an excellent cutting skill of the traditional stencil coated with astringency of persimmon.


Medal of Great Master of Kyoto (Kyo-no-Meiko)

For the textile dying methods of Yuzen-Zome, first the original design on the silkscreen is duplicated on another traditional stencil coated with astrigency of persimmon. The design is drawn in outline with a kind of paste like paint that, however, is easily removed after duplication. 


Craftman Mr. Wada cuts the design with a specially prepared knife precisely as per the above picture. His skill is very sensitive and accurate without any tiny miss.   


The Cutting Skill adopted to Japanese Lamp
Paper Shade


With those excellent cutting skill, Mr. Wada has been making a unique lamp with paper shade to be called ANDON in Japanese. The materials are thin timber (Cypress) for the frame and acrylic translucent board for the windows. Each four windows covered with traditional stencil shows us its particular and beautiful design cutted by Mr. Wada. With soft light and clear shade, we can enjoy so much a kind of Japanese feeling and sense.  




Japanese Traditional Horseback Riding Race 


On May 5th every year, the above KAMO-NO-KURABEUMA  is held as a divine event at KAMIGAMO-JINJA Shrine at Kyoto city. That is a kind of  horseback riding race according to Japanese ancient custom just with a pair of horses, in black and red teams. Originally, ten pairs of teams participated and rivaled each other. Nowadays, however, around six pairs of teams take part in.

This race is dedicated to the particular God called KAMOWAKE-IKAZUCHI-NO-KAMI, and for this reason the God can only see and enjoy the race, not general people. The horseback riders are called NORIJIRI and always come from the descendants belonging to the families that are historically sustaining members of the shrine.

Before and after the race, we can see many divine and spiritual ceremonies at some sites of the shrine. Those ceremonies look very very strict and solemn, but fantastic to see. To watch those ceremonies takes us back to the Heian period, 8th~12th centuries.

The KAMIGAMO-JINJA Shrine was founded in 1093 at the age of Emperor Horikawa and given another official name KAMOWAKE-IKAZUCHI-JINJA. In December 1994, the KAMIGAMO-JINJA was registered as a World Historical Heritage by UNESCO.   






KEKKAI in Kyoto

Four Celestial Gods

平安神宮の大極殿 (平安京中枢の大極殿を模したもの、原寸の2分の1)
Copy of Daigokuden of Heiankyo
In Meiji period, restored at Heian Shrine
(1/2 size of original building)

Kyoto was called  Heiankyo in ancient time as the capital of Japan. Heiankyo was relocated in the year of 794 by Emperor Kammu, and has been the center of government of Japan for more than 1200 years since then.

In 1967, however, the capital moved to Tokyo because of the consitutional dymanic change.

KEKKAI is not only a kind of barrier to protect the invasion of misfortune or disasters to the society and human life, but also for the purpose to receive the cosmic vital spark in that area.

For the relocation, Emperor Kammu looked for the most suitable location with surrounding mountains and plenty of waters. Such environmental situation was considered as indispensable for the ideal urban planning according to the Chinese traditional wisdom of Feng shui (wind-water). Feng shui has been a fundamental theory to use the law of Heaven and Earth to choose the best direction and plan both of dwelling space and capital city.

Heiankyo was thus established given the strict and rational plan so as to be everlasting dynasty. The relevant mountains were as follows; Northern mountain was Mt. Funaokayama, Western Mt. Arashiyama,  and Eastern Mt. Higashiyama. Southern area, however, had no mountain, but  had three significant buildings; Toji-temple, Saiji-temple and Suzakumon-gate. Such area surrounded with mountains also had two major rivers; Katsuragawa and Kamogawa, that have been very important water resources for the daily life still now.





Gembu (Dark Turtle): God for the North

Byakko (White Tiger): God for the West
白虎 (西の守り神)

Seiryu  (Green Dragon): God for the East
清龍 (東の守り神)

Suzaku (Red Phoenix): God for the South
朱雀 (南の守り神)

Each cardinal direction was gurded by its own God; North by Gembu (Dark Turtle), West by Byakko (White Tiger), East by Seiryu (Green Dragon) and South by Suzaku (Red Phoenix). It was believed the crossing of two lines with North/South and East/West was the most powerful point in Heiankyo. In fact, Daigokuden (Headquarters of government) was properly placed just at that crossing point.



Recent Artworks by Craftman WADA


Pictures with Washi (Japanese traditional paper) / Acrylic Board /
Frame with Cypress / LED lighting

和紙による型紙彫刻 / アクリルボード / ヒノキ木枠 / LED照明 (発光ダイオード)

White Japanese Apricott (白梅) 23×26cm


Morning Glory (夏朝顔) 23×14cm

Ninna-ji Temple (仁和寺) 52×27cm

Shower of Blossoms (花舞) 32×18cm

Japanese Fan & Firefly (うちわ蛍) 32×18cm

Rainy Season (梅雨) 32×18cm

LED applied for the light for saving energy


As one of the good points of those lamps, we can point out that the LED is used for the light to save energy. LED also is well known for its long-life and low temperature features. Such features of LED are actually effective to protect the traditional stencils' becoming fragile, too.


1 件のコメント:

  1. Interesting posts, greeting from MONS in Belgium
